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Messy Church October 2020
Unfortunately we still cannot meet as Messy Church to celebrate in our usual manner with Craft time, Worship, Food and Fellowship together.
We are also aware many families are busy managing as near to normal life as possible in such difficult circumstances.
Below is a link to a 10minute worship video which was put together for East Midlands United Reformed Church Synod.
You will find many pictures from Abbots Road URC plus a poem/prayer from COGS children plus video from Pilots and Messy Church passing on the message of hope and call to worship from one of our children. Thankyou to all those who contributed.
Please click on this link:
As a craft time we are thinking ahead and would like families to produce something to reflect on for Remembrance Sunday. This year saw VE Day and VJ Day anniversary. Below are some ideas but i am sure you will have your own ideas. We hope to be able to put these into a video so please send a photo of your craft before the end of October.
As a added reflection on the message of Hope please click on this link
Following our September Messy Church theme of Harvest we requested photos of your gardens which celebrated the time we move from summer to Autumn. Please find below some photos already sent in. There is still space and time to add others so please keep sending.

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