Elders are members of the Church who are nominated and elected by church members. Each year we hold our election for Elders. An annual service is held to affirm those who have felt called to serve this Church as an Elder. they are ordained for life either as serving or as a non serving Elder. Elders at Abbots Road URC serve for three years before being re-elected or stepping down to become a non serving Elder. The Eldership meets once a month and at Abbot’s Road this is normally on the second Wednesday in the month.
United Reformed Church Elders have responsibility, with the Minister, for the spiritual well-being of the church. Elders are part of the leadership team of the local church sharing oversight and leadership with the Minister. They are responsible for making provision for worship, prayer and teaching, for promoting witness and mission in the community and world, and for the peace, unity and welfare of the church. Elders, with the Minister, have a pastoral responsibility for members and friends.
It is also their duty to ensure that buildings are fit for purpose, and that finances are managed wisely. At Abbots Road URC we have a Management Committee which undertakes this and reports to the Elders’ Meeting..
They are not asked to DO all these things but to ensure that they are done and that all is in good order. It is the responsibility of members to support them in this.
Elders are ordained for life in the same way as members are confirmed and received into the whole Church of Jesus Christ and then received into local membership.
Eldership is a calling – very different from filling vacancies on a committee. Elders are a gift to the church and one of the strengths of our denomination.